10 best recipes for anti-aging face masks and rules for their use

If small wrinkles appear on your face with age, you can smooth them at home with anti-aging masks. Such procedures are also suitable for preventing premature aging. After all, anti-aging masks deeply moisturize and nourish the skin, preventing the formation of wrinkles. But it is worth starting to use these masks for preventive purposes only after 25 years. For young skin, it is better to choose other formulations. Of course, masks will not help to get rid of very deep wrinkles. But with their help, it is really possible to tighten the skin and improve its condition, slowing down the aging process. The main thing is to use proven recipes and carry out procedures regularly.

applying a skin rejuvenation mask

Rules for the use of anti-aging masks

Often after the age of 25, women begin to notice wrinkles on their face. Some people show signs of aging earlier and some later. It depends on several factors:

  1. Nutrition.To keep your skin smooth, you need to follow a diet. The diet should be balanced. Must include fruits, vegetables and nuts. You also need to consume fiber that helps cleanse the digestive system.
  2. Physical activity.Sport plays an important role in preserving the youthfulness of the skin. Classes allow you to improve blood circulation and the condition of the body as a whole.
  3. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. When the sun is active, be sure to use sunscreen. After all, ultraviolet light dries out and ages the skin. For the same reason, you should not abuse a visit to the solarium.
  4. Water balance.Sufficient water intake is necessary for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. It is recommended to drink at least 1. 5 liters during the day. Moreover, no drunken liquids are counted, only pure water.
  5. Have bad habits. . . Regular smoking and alcohol consumption accelerate the aging process of the skin. Under the influence of addiction it becomes faster and dries up.

If you start taking care of your skin when you are young, you can keep it firm and smooth for years to come.

Anti-aging masks are worth using only after 23-25 years. After all, young skin does not need them. Contraindications to the use of anti-aging mixtures are:

  • dermatological diseases;
  • open skin wounds;
  • a large number of active inflammations on the face;
  • allergy to certain components of the mixture.

The composition for aging skin should be chosen depending on the type of dermis. For oily and problematic, you can use products that have astringent and tightening properties. Then it will be possible not only to straighten wrinkles, but also to narrow pores.

If the skin is dry and sensitive, it is better to add light oils or greasy sour cream to the composition.

Top 10 recipes

Simple daily treatments that you can do at home help smooth wrinkles and prolong the youth of the skin. The most effective anti-aging masks with natural ingredients are useful for aging skin. They can be easily made at home with your own hands.

Below is a list of the 10 most effective folk recipes.


Cosmetic clay has a beneficial effect on skin aging. You can find different types of this product in pharmacies. White, blue, pink or red clay work best on wrinkles. They contain various trace elements and minerals that improve blood circulation and tighten the skin.

Mask recipe:

  • take a small amount of selected clay;
  • dilute it with distilled or boiled water to the consistency of sour cream.

The prepared clay is applied on the face for 15-20 minutes. . . In no case should it dry out, it will lead to tightening and dryness of the skin, which will only worsen the situation.

To avoid this, you need to apply the mask in a thick layer. If it starts to dry too quickly, you can spray a little water on your face.

Do not use metal utensils to prepare the mask as this will lead to a chemical reaction and reduce the useful properties of the clay.

If the skin is dry, you can add 1 tablespoon of sour cream or olive oil to the composition.


The best fruit for rejuvenation is avocado. Its pulp contributes to deep hydration, skin nutrition and, as a result, smoothing of wrinkles.

To make an avocado mask you will need:

  • peel the fruit, remove the bone;
  • cut it in half and make mashed potatoes from one half;
  • add 1 tablespoon of honey and lemon juice to the porridge.

The exposure time of the mask is 15-20 minutes. Despite the fact that its consistency is oily, it suits all skin types, including oily.

avocado mask for skin rejuvenation

Protein and honey

Wrinkles can be smoothed with a mask of eggs, honey and sour cream. Ought:

  • separate the white from the yolk and beat it;
  • add 1 teaspoon of honey and sour cream;
  • mix the composition and apply it on the face;
  • wait 15 minutes and rinse the mixture with warm water.

This mask should not be done too often. It will be enough once a week, because proteins can tighten and dry the skin.

Aloe juice

Regular use of an aloe vera anti-aging mask can give an amazing effect. After all, the juice of this plant deeply moisturizes the skin and increases the production of collagen and elastin.


  • take 1 tablespoon of aloe juice obtained from cut leaves;
  • you can use a pharmacy drug;
  • mix the juice with 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • pour 1 teaspoon of olive oil;
  • if possible, it is advisable to add a few drops of vitamins A and E in liquid form.

The mask is applied to the face for half an hour and then rinsed with cold water.

If herbal juice is used, it is worth cutting off the aloe leaf a week before the procedure. It is wrapped in thick paper and placed in the refrigerator. This will help increase the concentration of nutrients in the juice.


You can improve the tone and elasticity of the skin with the help of cocoa powder. This drug improves blood circulation in the cells, encouraging their regeneration.

To prepare a mask with cocoa you need:

  • mix in a ratio of 2 to 1 cocoa powder and egg yolk;
  • add 1 tablespoon of apricot kernel oil;
  • whisk all ingredients until smooth.

This mask is applied on the face for at least 20 minutes to give the composition time to act. You can repeat the procedure quite often - 2-3 times a week.

cocoa mask for skin rejuvenation

Sea buckthorn

A mask with buckthorn oil will be suitable for aging and problematic skin.

Cooking algorithm:

  • peel a small fresh cucumber;
  • grind it in a blender until smooth;
  • add 1 tablespoon of wheat flour and buckthorn oil;
  • to mix well.

The mixture is applied on the face for 20-25 minutes. After that time you need to wash with cold water.

If you do this mask regularly, the skin will become smooth, fresh and elastic.


Yeast that contains B vitamins contributes to the renewal and regeneration of skin cells.

Recipe for a yeast mask for rejuvenation:

  • mix 1 tablespoon yeast and cream;
  • add a teaspoon of linseed oil and the same amount of honey;
  • stir well;
  • pour water into a clean container and heat it to produce steam;
  • put the bowl with the mixture in the sherpa and turn off the heat.

After that you have to wait for the yeast to ferment. This will happen when bubbles appear on the surface or the composition begins to increase in volume.

The fermented mask must be cooled to room temperature and applied to the face. After 10-15 minutes, rinse with water.


Gelatin has similar properties. It is quite easy to prepare a mask with this component. All you need is:

  • pour water over the gelatin, following the instructions on the package;
  • place the pan on the stove and heat the composition so that it becomes hot but does not boil (about 70 degrees);
  • turn off the heat and wait for the gelatin to heat up so you can apply it to the skin;
  • leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes.

If the mixture starts to dry earlier, it must be rinsed. Therefore, it is better to spread the composition on the face in a thick layer.

Fresh cheese

Cottage cheese mask gives a good effect on skin rejuvenation.


  • knead 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese until smooth;
  • add 1 tablespoon of heated liquid honey and 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • beat the egg yolk in a separate bowl and pour it into the mixture;
  • drip a little olive oil.

Apply the mask for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with water.

mask with fresh cheese to rejuvenate the skin


You can use a strawberry mask to refresh your aging skin and restore its elasticity. These berries contain fruit acids, so this process has a peeling effect.


  • take a few berries, wash them and mash with a spoon to make mashed potatoes;
  • add a little yogurt and stir everything until smooth;
  • smear the mask on your face and leave for 15-25 minutes;
  • then wash with clean water.

To notice the rejuvenating effect of masks, you need to do them regularly after the signs of skin aging have started to appear. The use of such formulations before the age of 25 is not recommended.

If the person already has wrinkles, it is worth performing procedures 2-3 times a week. For prophylaxis, masks are applied weekly.